Grieving? Find Solace in John Allen's Bestselling Books on Grief.
Heavenly Realms:
A Journey Into The Unknown
A #1 bestseller in Grief and Loss, renowned author John Allen, who has personally navigated the depths of grief and loss, invites readers on a profound journey through the ethereal landscapes of 'Heavenly Realms.' In this enlightening exploration, Allen delves into the mysteries surrounding heaven and offers a glimpse into the unknown, providing a beacon of light for those grappling with the complexities of grief.
Within these chapters, you will find details, facts, quotes, stories, and interviews—all laid out before you like pieces of a puzzle waiting to be assembled. Yet, in the end, it is up to you to decide how they fit together. Order your copy now and continue your journey toward healing and understanding today.
Books available in - Paperback, Hardback, Kindle, and Audiobook
Published Date - 5/11/2024

Keep Calm and Cope With Grief
A #1 Amazon bestseller in Grief and Loss, this book will empathetically guide you in finding ways to cope when losing a loved one and assist you in processing your grief. The author shares his own experience of losing his father, planning the funeral, writing the eulogy, reading the will, seeing signs from his father, and how to cope with grief. This essential guide to coping with all aspects of grief will not only help you but help you to help others.
Books available in - Paperback, Hardback, Kindle, and Audiobook
Published Date - 1/16/2022
Amazon Review - "This book is a deeply personal look into one man’s pain and suffering over the loss of his father. The author skillfully tells his story, while imparting important information. I couldn’t put this book down. I plan on listening to this book on Audible as a second read."

Life After This
'Life After This' investigates our history regarding loss and grief, shares real-life stories of those with near-death experiences, and shares conversations with people who work in the bereavement industry such as funeral directors, doctors, nurses, and caregivers. The author also looks at the reality that we receive signs, and messages from the other side, how we can communicate with our loved ones if we choose to do so, and so much more. This book will give you an entirely new perspective on the afterlife. You do not need to feel alone. Find a measure of comfort and peace of mind, click to purchase now and you will soon be learning that there is 'Life After This'.
Books available in - Paperback, Hardback, Kindle, and Audiobook
Published Date - 7/1/2022
Amazon Review - "From looking back into history I learned facts I did not know. Insight into the author's life is very interesting - he tells stories so well and is such an interesting person. He has a good sense of humor and an understanding of people. This was a very enjoyable and informative read I highly recommend it."

Nature's Reach
Nature has a raw way of nurturing humans, so you can handle your grief the natural way. In the book 'Nature's Reach' you will learn how the animal kingdom can help you find healing, how you can use the weather to affect your mood, how to manage your grief and embrace your spirituality, find nature-based activities that can provide healing therapy, and so much more! You can cope with grief the natural way! Click to buy Nature’s Reach now.
Books available in - Paperback, Hardback, Kindle, and Audiobook
Published Date - 10/2/2022
Amazon Review - "I was so pleased to see such a refreshing look at what is already in front of us in nature that can help lift our moods, eliminate our sadness, help us remember times with our lost loved ones, and overall help us cope with the grief."

A book about coping with grief - for children!
Like adults, children have a wide range of reactions to grief and loss that can be affected by multiple variables. Children’s behavior often can be regressive when feelings are not verbalized. It's important to realize that while a child may not be talking about a loss, they're most certainly thinking about it.
Author, John Allen, has now completed a picture book to help children cope with their grief. The message within this book is simple, spiritual, and heartwarming. Adults can benefit from this book too.
Published Date - 8/11/2023